“A workshop with Bassidi Koné blew my mind. Experiencing his mastery of sounds, dynamics and pure speed was the catalyst for me devoting a large part of my life to this instrument”.
Dave McGrath
את Bassidi Koné פגשתי בבורקינה פאסו לפני 4 וחצי שנים. היה אירוע כלשהו, חתונה או משהו בסגנון (אני כבר לא זוכר). הוא בא לביקור ממאלי עם האלבום החדש של ההרכב שלו Bwazan . לא ידעתי מילה בצרפתית וכל התקשורת המילולית שלנו הסתכמה בו מצביע על עצמו ואומר “מאלי” ואני מצביע על עצמי ואומר “ישראל”.
ואז התיישבנו על התופים…
ואני שמעתי את המפלצת הזאת. והבנתי כמה עומק יש בדג’מבה.
קניתי אלבום שמלווה אותי כמעט בכל מקום. יחד עם הזכרון. לא בטוח אם הוא זוכר אותי וזה בכלל לא משנה, מה שלקחתי ממנו מניע חלק ממה שאני היום. וזה מה שחשוב.
“I met Malian percussionist, Bassidi Koné, four and a half years ago at a local wedding in Bamako. Bassidi came to visit and had with him his new album, ‘Badenya Foly’. I didn’t know a word of French and our verbal communication was limited to him pointing to himself and saying “Mali”, and me pointing to myself and saying, “Israel”. And then we sat down by the drums…
I heard this monster play and I realised just how much depth is in the djembe!
I bought Bassidi’s album, which follows me almost everywhere, along with the memory. I am not sure if he remembers me but it doesn’t matter. What I took from this experience motivates a part of who I am today. And that’s all that matters.”
Itai Reznik
“Bassidi Koné was my teacher for jembe (West African drum) and balafon (xylophone) lessons when I studied the music and culture of Mali for three months in the Fall of 2011. Koné is certainly a rising star of the jembe and balafon in Mali, a dedicated musician who is recognized for his technical virtuosity. There could be no better jembe teacher than a musician who comes from the region of Mali and Guinea where the instrument originated. He can share with you the jembe rhythms of the many traditional dances of Mali and Guinea. He knows the standard accompaniment patterns and has also distinguished himself through his innovative solo lead playing. In addition to demonstrating technique and rhythms on the drum, he uses the helpful pedagogical tool of vocalisation (e.g tun-pe-ti-pa) to clarify tones and rhythms. Since he is an instrument builder, he has valuable insights and experience regarding the history, construction, and tuning of the drum and balafon. Bassidi is a passionate musician and you can see by the happy expression on his face when he plays, that he loves music and especially, playing the jembe. If you want to study jembe with a great jembefola, please take the opportunity to learn from Bassidi Koné.”
Robert J. Damm
Professor of Music
Mississippi State University, U.S.A
“Bassidi Koné is an accomplished and well known musician in Mali, West Africa. As the Head of the American International School of Bamako, it was a privilege for us to have Bassidi working in conjunction with our music teacher to share his enthusiasm and knowledge with our students from around the world over the last two years. He introduced the students (of all ages) to Malian instruments and music and has helped instil a love of this rich heritage to our students. He demonstrates and explains new skills to students and encourages them as they become familiar with Malian music.”
Caroline Jacoby
American International School of Bamako
Bamako, Mali