“Bwazan, un groupe qui a tout mon soutien.
Détaché par le Ministère de la Culture (Mali), pour encadrer la délégation malienne lors du festival “Triangle du balafon” (2012), j’ai été surpris par le travail et le professionnalisme dont a fait preuve ce jeune groupe talentueux. Leur prestation a été plus que remarquable. Ce groupe conduit par le surdoué Bassidi Koné, est promis à un bel avenir.”
“Bwazan, a group that has my full support.
Appointed by the Ministry of Culture (Mali), to be an advisor to the Malian delegates (musicians) at the festival “Triangle Balafon” (2012), I was surprised by the work and professionalism shown by this talented, young group. Their performance was more than remarkable. This group, led by gifted Bassidi Koné has a promising future.”
Neba Solo
“Traveling from his culturally rich and vibrant homeland of Mali (West Africa), following in the footsteps of great artists before him such as Salif Keita, Oumou Sangare, Toumani Diabaté and Rokia Traoré, virtuoso drummer and balafonist Bassidi Koné now brings his shining spirit and awe inspiring musical expression to Australia”.
Multicultural Arts Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
“Playing music with Bassidi on the Meander Project was the musical highlight of my year. The energy that Bassidi brought to the creative process and the final performance was infectious; it is an experience that will stay with everyone that was present that evening. Bassidi brought the groove, the spirit, the smiles and the love of music, into the space”.
Lina Andonovska
ANAM Fellow (Australian National Academy of Music)
Melbourne, Australia
“The stellar standout is, of course, balafonist Bassidi Koné. His skill around this traditional wooden xylophone is phenomenal. He plays with lightning speed, laying down and decorating melodies, improvising, elaborating, taking the audience on a aural rocket ride”.
Multicultural Arts Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
“The clearest sound of djembe I’ve ever heard. Bassidi Kone owns his sounds. No other is as joyful and the love this man has for his arts is amazingly shown in all he does. Excellent.”
Paulo Forged
“It takes more than great talent to create a group like Bwazan. Bassidi Koné has masterfully bred and led a wolf pack of young musicians, staying true to the community origins of Bobo and Bwa music.
The virtuosity of Bwazan comes from the multifaceted performances of each of its members. Each of them works hard at learning and developing the ballet styles of their fathers and the songs of their origin, through collaborative arrangements. This is a rare feat to accomplish. It requires tremendous focus, resolve and diligence, which Bassidi wields through mastery of the djembe, balafon and the songs of tradition. It results in performances that exude freedom and delight audiences all over the world, starting with children of West Africa.”
Mateja Miljacki
Producer at Samba Lolo Productions
Boston, U.S.A.
“Bassidi Koné is an accomplished and well known musician in Mali, West Africa. As the Head of the American International School of Bamako, it was a privilege for us to have Bassidi working in conjunction with our music teacher to share his enthusiasm and knowledge with our students from around the world over the last year or so. He introduced the students (of all ages) to Malian instruments and music and has helped instil a love of this rich heritage to our students. He demonstrates and explains new skills to students and encourages them as they become familiar with Malian music.”
Caroline Jacoby
Director at the American International School of Bamako
Mali, West Africa
“Bassidi Koné was my teacher for jembe (West African drum) and balafon (xylophone) lessons when I studied the music and culture of Mali for three months in the Fall of 2011. Koné is certainly a rising star of the jembe and balafon in Mali, a dedicated musician who is recognized for his technical virtuosity. There could be no better jembe teacher than a musician who comes from the region of Mali and Guinea where the instrument originated. He can share with you the jembe rhythms of the many traditional dances of Mali and Guinea. He knows the standard accompaniment patterns and has also distinguished himself through his innovative solo lead playing. In addition to demonstrating technique and rhythms on the drum, he uses the helpful pedagogical tool of vocalisation (e.g tun-pe-ti-pa) to clarify tones and rhythms. Since he is an instrument builder, he has valuable insights and experience regarding the history, construction, and tuning of the drum and balafon. Bassidi is a passionate musician and you can see by the happy expression on his face when he plays, that he loves music and especially, playing the jembe. If you want to study jembe with a great jembefola, please take the opportunity to learn from Bassidi Koné.”
Robert J. Damm
Professor of Music
Mississippi State University, U.S.A